Sunday, September 30, 2012

DC or Bust!

We spent a few days in DC this past weekend and had a blast! It was a pleasant 5-6 hour drive with Mr. Awesome Toddler Traveler in tow. Camden was such a good lil boy the whole trip...thanks to excellent planning and timing on our parts I might add. Planning is everything with a toddler :)

We were able to do everything we wanted and it was just the best trip ever. Great weather, great time of year, great everything. So much to learn and explore. Lots of humbling experiences while viewing the original Declaration of Independence and the Constitution at the National Archives, visiting the Holocaust museum and Arlington Cemetery! Something so moving about learning about the price of our freedom.

Our favorite things to see were the National Archives {Now I want to go watch National Treasure}, Lincoln's top hat, the star spangled banner, the phenomenal Holocaust museum {so thankful Camden took a nap during most of it}, visiting the gorgeous Library of Congress & seeing Thomas Jefferson's personal library, visiting the Capital Building, seeing all the monuments and reflecting pool, oh and visiting the White House...I guess that is a lot of favorites!

Camden's favorites were the "Things That Move" exhibit at the American History Museum, anything that looked like a ball and he pointed out every bike on the street! Haha. He also loved every stick and leaf he could carry on our walk around town. Someday he will look back at these pictures and be able to say he went to DC when he was 1!


Unknown said...

What a trip! How fun.

Cait said...

Fun! Next time come say hi! ...although I admit I think we were out of town the weekend you were in town. =)

Camden is so cute!!!