Sunday, June 14, 2009

Orbit Mist Delight

Mmmm...You have got to try this gum! Orbit Mist is a new line of gum by Orbit that I must say is by far the best gum I have ever tried! Seriously! It's new secret ingredient of "micro-bursts” {which is not really a secret at all} gives you a hydrating sensation that is unlike any other. The “micro-bursts” add a lovely initial poppy/crunch when you first chew the gum and make the gum incredibly juicy for the first minute or so of chewing! Now...I know what you are thinking, "yea sure micro-burst, shmicro-burst...been there done that!" Not till you have tried Orbit Mist will you know the sheer awesome-ness these micro-bursts truly bring to the plate. I always just thought micro-bursts provided product differenciation and product differenciation only...they were just a marketing tool...but NO...these Orbit Mist micro-bursts are the real deal! Orbit Mist currently comes in three flavors, Mango Surf, Watermelon Spring, and Peppermint Spray. If you are in the market for a new pack of definitely gotta try these babies! :)

1 comment:

chellyyy said...

i'll have to grab a box. orbits are my favorites. and i loveee gum. just like i love you bubbliyyys dear.